Min bloggliste

onsdag 7. mars 2012

Mississippi Burning

In class, we watched a movie called Mississippi Burning. You can read more about the film here. In January we got different tasks about the movie. Here is my text.

In this text i am going to discuss whether white people in the south hated all blacks, though they were inferior.

First of all, I think that many people in the South were manipulated by the Ku-Klux-Klan and the sheriff to hate all the black people and think they were inferior. A good example in the film is agent Anderson’s lead: “Down here, things are different; here, they believe that some things are worth killing for”. This shows how far the racism have gone, and nobody would have thought this without being manipulated.

Furthermore, I also think that some people in the South really hated the black and thought they were inferior. In the film, I think Mayor Tilman was one of these: “Fact is, we got two cultures down here: a white culture and a colored culture. Now, that’s the way it always has been, and that’s the way it always will be”. I think Tilman ment this when he said it on the court, because he gave the blacks much harder punishment then the white.

As a conclusion, I do not disagree with this claim. Quite many hated the blacks, but some must have thought difference. If all whites in the South hated blacks Mayoir Tilman would have right with his conclusion. Who would help the black people ad their struggle against racism and civil rights?

torsdag 26. januar 2012

Arne Ness' deep ecology

In the English lessons we have read texts about pollution and facts about it. In the RLE lessons we have read about Arne Ness’ and his thoughts about deep ecology. In this blog entry I am going to relate these themes together.

Arne Ness was a Norwegian philosopher. He fought for the deep ecology. The term “Deep ecology” involves that every living organism have the same rights to develop, such as trees, nature, animals and humans. In reality, people have treated the nature and animals without respect and empathy. This is totally against Arne Ness’ principles of how we should take care of it. In addition, humans do a lot of bad things against the wildlife. One example is overhunting. Supporters of the deep ecology and Arne Ness think we should ask us self, is this really necessary or not? Can we live without doing this?

Pollution is a really deep and serious problem for the human and the whole world. Searching 10 says that 75 000 tress could be spared each week by recycling the Sunday edition of the New York Times. If the humans recycle their paper every day, this will do a lot. If we do not start to think about the rainforest, this will have big consequences for the animals and the climate. Scientists have found ozone holes over both the North and South Pole, and this is because of chemicals and pollution.

To sum up, I would say that everyone should follow Arne Ness and his thoughts about deep ecology and pollution. Almost every human should change their way of living and start to think about the environment and the future.